Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 9

Super crabby today. The lack of sleep due to enormous amounts of school work had me craving really bad-for-me comfort food. For some reason a bowl of fresh strawberries doesnt hit the spot quite like a chocolate chip cookie. Maybe I can mash up some strawberries into the shape of a cookie...  If I had more time, I would definitely investigate a good whole wheat flour cookie recipe, maybe next week!

     Breakfast was simple, yogurt and granola. I have to say, I am finally getting used to the texture of the plain yogurt. I don't prefer it, but I don't despise it as much as I did. As far as the taste, I added a teaspoon of honey in it and man, what a difference!! SO much better!! Really enjoyed that. I had a plum in class and half of a leftover pork chop with green beans for lunch. More snacking in the afternoon of grapes and cheese as well as some mixed nuts.

     Dinner was amazing. My mom adapted a sauce recipe for seafood using balsamic vinegar, olive oil, cream cheese, fresh tomato and basil.  Shrimp and scallops were sauteed in the balsamic vinegar and oil, then removed and the cream cheese and tomatoes were added until it is reduced down to a uniform sauce.  The proteins were tossed back in and served over pasta.  I made some whole wheat shell pasta to go with it. It was incredible!!

Late night snacks of raspberries, mango, and a laaaaarge triple brewed green tea with quite a bit of honey to hopefully shake me awake. I see shots of espresso in my future...

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