Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4 weeks out

First run in over 4 months, and I cannot believe I'm going to say this but here it is:::

★ I missed running!! ★

I know, I can't believe it either haha

As much as I LOVE T25, I really did miss the sun on my face and the wind in my very short hair! So I guess it's time to face the facts, I am officially a runner!! Who knew! ;)

I really enjoyed this run for so many reasons.  One, was because I could not believe how great I felt after months away.  Two, because I thought after several months of T25 I was going to be bored in the first 10 minutes.  Not the case!!  I do have to say though, as I sit here Tuesday morning writing this that I forgot how different the muscle groups are that are required for running and my legs are thankful I stopped after three miles!!
Tonight's run... 4/21/14

I am still keeping up with my daily FuelPoint goals.  I have so much fun making sure that I stay as active as possible each and every day!

Still LOVING my FuelBand and the daily motivation that it gives me!!  Just wishing that there was an Andriod app!

Danielle on the Run

So for those of you that have been following me for some time, thank you for your continued support!

For those that are new to my little blog, WELCOME! :)

If you have Instagram, head over to my page and follow for even more motivation in shenanigans! 
I use this blog as a means to communicate my fitness journey, including what is working for me, what isn't, and usually some yummy recipes along the way!

I truly hope that you enjoy it, and I would love some feedback on what you think would be helpful posts for the future!

As always,

Happy running! xo

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Taco Tuesday!!

So last night, Randy and I decided to try a new kind of "taco" and it's safe to say that we are HOOKED!!

This recipe was more than enough toppings for 2 people, so in the future I will probably cook 4 potatoes, to have leftovers!

• 2 large sweet potatoes
• 1 lb ground meat of choice (we use turkey)
• 1 cup romaine, chopped
• 1 small tomato, chopped
• 1 small red onion, chopped
• 1 small red pepper, chopped
• 1 avacado, chopped
• 1 packet low sodium taco seasoning

1. Preheat oven to 375° and bake sweets for 45-1 hour until cooked through
2. While those are baking, prepare veggies
3. Brown meat in skillet until cooked, drain any fat then sprinkle with taco seasoning (as much as you would like, to your preference)
4. Cut potatoes length-wise and scoop about aprox 1/2 out and set aside
5. Fill your potato bowl and dig in!!!

A fork and knife are recommended!!

Also, you can add whatever toppings you would like, and eould traditionally put on a taco!  Or go non traditional and add whatever the heck you want!! That's the beauty of it!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Baked salmon and veggies

I used to post a lot more recipes and I am not sure why I got away from it, because Randy and I make some pretty awesome food :)

This gem is a variation of a baked salmon dish I found on Pinterest.  And it could not have been simpler.  It took me longer to cut the green beans then it to put the entire rest of the dish together!

Right before it hits the oven!

What you'll need:
  • (3) 8oz salmon fillets
  • 4 tbs unsalted butter 
  • 1/2 tsp dill
  • 1/2 tsp dry parsley
  • 8oz green beans *
  • 8oz baby carrots *
  • 8oz grape tomatoes *
* the quantity and selection of veggies is completely up to you!  I want to try asparagus next time!

  • Pre-heat oven to 350F
  • Using a whisk or handheld beater, combine butter with dill and parsley until evenly distributed
  • Chop veggies:  baby carrots and tomatoes lengthwise, ends off of green beans
What to do:
  • Spray the center of the baking dish with olive oil (I only did this to ensure that the salmon didn't stick in the center.  You could always put down a bit of the butter under the salmon for this purpose)
  • Place the salmon in the center of the dish
  • Add about 3/4 of a tablespoon of the butter to the top of each salmon piece
  • Place the veggies around the perimeter, adding a small amount of butter in between (if you'd like)
  • Place the whole dish in the oven for 25-30  minutes, depending on how well done you like your fish
Another shot before it goes in the oven!
Fresh out of the oven

Keep moving!

Weekends can be TOUGH.  I know all too well the lure of the couch and comfy pajamas, but the weekends are the time to keep going and push through!  

I am so excited that the weather is finally cooperating and in just a few short weeks I will be runnign in my first race of the year!  Although I didn't go out for a run this weekend like I had wanted to, I wanted to be sure that I was still active.  On Sunday night Randy and I went for a walk before dinner.  Just a few laps around our block and we were already at 1 mile!  It is so easy to keep active, even if it is not very far, or for very long,  Every little bit counts!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Back on the run!

So even though I have two weeks to go with T25 I have a 5 mile run that I need to prepare for!

I am hoping to get out this weekend now that the nicer weather has finally arrived and start training.  I would LOVE to break 50 minutes.  Fingers crossed.

That being said, of course I have spent countless time on Pinterest looking at running-inspired clothes and quotes

A few of my favs:
PS - my birthday is in August for those wondering when they can send these beauties my way ;)

This is my life.. haha

Find this HERE

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Have I mentioned how much I LOVE T25 yet?!  Whoah baby.  I am hooked.

This past weekend I went shopping with my mom and sister and I really enjoyed myself for the first time in a very long time.  Regardless of the sizes on the tags, I felt SO comfortable in the clothes.  It was really amazing.

I recently posted on my Facebook and Instagram a picture of my progress.  I was very hesitant, not because I am in any way embarrassed of my progress, but because I just don't usually post pictures like this.  So it was a big step for me.  As much as I cannot wait for the nice weather and getting back to running, I cannot deny the changes I have seen all over my body with T25.  I am stronger, leaner and happier than I have been in a VERY long time!!

This April is a Summer Slim down special where you can get your very own T25 workout program PLUS a full month of Shakeology :)

Go to my coaching page HERE to learn more :)

Or leave me your email address in the comments and we can chat!