Monday, February 23, 2015

Hello 2015

WOW!  I cannot believe that it has been almost 4 months since my last post.  I have been so busy, I am not sure where the time has gone!

2014 was a great year for me in many ways!

My personal life has been wonderful with so many great milestones including my boyfriend's 30th birthday and two of my closest friends having babies!

Professionally, I made a very scary decision to leave my job in Boston.  In reflection it was one of the best decisions I could have possibly made.  My personal happiness and overall well-being benefited greatly from leaving.

And of course, I started a new chapter in my fitness life that led me to be in the best shape I have been in since I was 19 years old!  I found T25, a program that I cannot say enough good things about.  Also, along with some focused training, I ran a new half marathon PR, beating my old time by over 20 minutes!

I made a few resolutions for 2015 that I am excited to share with you, a few of which I have already been able to check off of my list!

  • Find a new job - I began a new job with a small biotech company in Providence, RI.  I have only been here a few weeks but I am confident that it is going to be a great fit for me.
  • Sign up for the UHC Triple Crown half marathon race series - I am so excited to participate in this half marathon series this coming year, beginning in March and ending in October.  I was so excited in fact that I am completing an additional race in Plymouth, MA somewhere in the middle of the three!
    • A secondary goal is to set a new PR in at least one of the races, and ultimately finish in under 2:00!
  • Complete T25 + gamma - I was partially through T25 at the beginning of the year, so I have continued on with the program but I am SO pumped to begin the gamma cycle in only one week!!
  • Complete my graduate thesis - To say that this thesis is a work in progress would be the understatement of the year!  I have worked so hard, for a long time to get this paper done and I cannot wait until I can say that I am 100% DONE... Stay tuned for updates on that!
  • I also have a few other personal goals that I am working towards including being on the right financial path for my boyfriend and I to buy a home together!
I hope everyone had a happy and blessed end to their year, and I am looking forward to what 2015 will bring!

And as always, happy running!

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