Tuesday, October 28, 2014

T25 to end 2014!

Now that running season has ended for me (although it has been seasonably warm here in MA, so I am sad that I haven't gotten outside more) I have re-submerged myself into T25!

I took brand new "before" photos and measurements.  This time, I am going to try as much as possible to stick to the calendar provided for the workouts, because 10 weeks from last Monday is only a few days before New Years' Day!  I want to send 2014 out with a bang, and be my best self possible BEFORE that clock hits 12 :)

Also, I read a crazy statistic recently that the average American gains ~7lbs from Thanksgiving to Christmas!  WHAT?!  Not me!

The only thing that will hold me back from this goal is the completion of my Masters thesis which is in it's final stages, with a hopeful turn in date and presentation just before Christmas.  That being said, one reason I think that I will be able to stick to my calendar is that the 25 minutes per day is a stress release that I very much look forward to after sitting on my bum all day staring at a computer screen!

Do you have any year end goals?  I would love to hear them! :)

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