A friend recommended this challenge to me as a modification of a challenge that he is working on. I will begin by doing 1 burpee on day 1, then adding 1 burpee every day until day 100. At the end of 100 days I will have completed 5050 burpees!! That's one way to help me get to my sculpted shoulders goal!
Depending on how hard-core you are, you may or may not be able to do push-ups in "lower position". I would like to think that I can do the push-ups, but time will tell.
Also, if you miss a day, you need to complete the missed day, PLUS the current day. If you miss two days in a row, you need to start over!
Burpee tutorial - Here is a video, just in case you aren't 100% sure of how to do them (PS if I have arms like hers by the end, I won't complain!!)
Good luck!
1/2/13 - Day 1
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