Monday, August 5, 2013

9 weeks to go

With only 9 weeks remaining until the Rock N Roll Providence half marathon, I am slightly behind where I would like to be in my training.  So I have decided to join a challenge group!  I am sure most of you are on InstaGram, and if you want, you can follow me at: Island_Life8.  On here, I follow many different fitness and inspiration feeds that help keep me motivated.  One of them is the guy who runs  He is AWESOME.  Each month he has been posting a different challenge and encourages people to try it out with him!  So this month is Active August.

Because I am in the full swing of training for the half-marathon, I will be keeping up with this challenge group as well as sticking to my training schedule.  Each day I will post here my IG photo that corresponds with that day's challenge.  Really excited for this :)

August 1: Goal
My goal this month is to reach my target Nike Fuel Points every day, to run 100 miles total and to get my single mile time under 9 minutes.  Super ambitious but I have got to challenge myself if I am going to run the half marathon with sub 11min/mile time!!'

August 2: Flex Friday

I've always been self-conscious about my big cheerleader calves, but I am learning to love them!  Unfortunately my shoulder flex leaves a lot of room for improvement, but I am working on it!!  I will say that I am REALLY happy with my 5 mile run!  Just over 12 minute/miles.

Day 3: Favorite Ab Exercise
OK, so I am not sure what kind of crazy person has a favorite ab exercise, but here is one that I have been using since my cheering years: hollow rocks.  All the gymnasts out there know what I am talking about!  Nothing fancy, but MAN do they work when you do them correctly!  I did a jog/run combo, stopping every 1/2 mile to do 10 push-ups!  OUCH

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