Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 10!!!!!

It's hereeee!!! Day 10! I made it!!

     I'm not going to lie, it was tough!  There were times I thought I would crack.  Not because I was starving, or I didn't like what I was eating (ok, maybe that's a stretch, the yogurt was painful at times) but because I was so used to reaching for things that were easy, but so bad for me.  I have to say, with my schedule, if I can make this work, anyone can.  There are NO excuses!

     Certain things were though, but others I didn't even miss.  Coffee was for sure the biggest woe.  I personally cannot cut sugar out of my coffee.  So giving it up cold turkey was really sad.  Also, as I had mentioned previously, fresh baked goods were an issue.  Mayonnaise was a HUGE issue.  I was really sad not to have mayonnaise, but because of that bread was a non-issue.  I thought I was going to really miss my white bread sandwiches, but not really.  I know a lot of deli meats have preservatives and I never got the opportunity to research which ones I could buy, so I just didn't.  I never ended up using the peanut butter I bought.  I never got the opportunity to.  Again, no bread= no peanut butter sandwiches and I didn't feel inclined to use it on anything else.  I'm sure I will though. 

     One of the things I wrote about was hoping to see an increased energy level... that didn't happen.  But that's what I get for trying to begin a challenge like this 3 weeks before the end of a semester!  Because I will put into practice these habits in the future, I know that in time (with restoration of normal sleep) I will see the benefits.

     I am excited to continue on the challenge.  I want to complete two full weeks before I start cheating and allowing certain things back into my diet.  First thing, definitely coffee.  Definitely.  Final (10 days) weigh in will be tomorrow, I'm excited!  I will not continue blogging every day from here on out, but I will be updating several times per week, especially once I start cheating, I will post about what I have allowed back in.

Day 10:

     Breakfast was grapes on the run then two eggs with fresh tomatoes.  Really yummy.  Lunch was leftovers of corn on the cob and couscous.  Not very well thought through, and I was quite hungry not long after.  Study snacks in the afternoon included cheese, grapes, raspberries and kale chips.
     Dinner was somewhat bad.  I went out with a friend in search of a restaurant that was airing the Bruins game.  We decided on a local Thai place.  In hind sight, maybe not the best choice, but hey.  I did the best I could with the menu and am going to consider it my cheat meal for the past 10 days.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I will be continuing on with "real food" until at least Monday (the two week marker).

Happy running :) xo

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